
Thursday, October 17, 2013

SV#3: Unit H Concept 7- Finding logs given approximations


          This is problem goes over how to find logs based on approximations. Before you start remember to add logbB=1 and logb1=0 to your given clues in case you need them. For this particular problem, we will only be using the property that equals 1. Another important thing that you must remember is the difference between product and quotient logs.  Also, just to make this problem easier, divide the log your are looking for  by the given clues so you won't have to take much time trying to figure out which factors will work for the problem Logs that have addition in between them are product (vice versa) and those that have a subtraction sign are quotient (vice versa). When your expanding, you should have one log for each number so you can then substitute in the values or letters that were given at first. I did not mention this is in the video, but implied that each number has to have a log, so I hope that makes sense now,if it didn't before. Thank you for watching! 

Again, I am sorry for the mistake. Basically the only difference is that all the factors on the denominator will have subtraction signs as it is a quotient considering that is underneath the numerator. 

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