
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

SP #6: Unit K Concept 10: Writing Decimals as Rational Numers

In this section, we now get a number of repeating decimals and in order to find the sum of the infinite geometric numbers, we have to do a series of steps. First, we ignore the whole number in front, so we can use it later on. We work with the repeating numbers by using summation notation. This means that we first have to change our first time into a fraction and the ratio also needs to be included. Then, we do some division with these and make sure to cancel off properly. Always be on the look out because you can some across a problem that needs to be simplified and this problem requires of that. After that, we bring back the whole number and add it to the fraction. Be careful with your multiplication and addition. Other than that, this is the answer to your problem!

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