
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Fibonacci Beauty Ratio

          The Fibonacci "Beauty Ratio" Actvity was performed in order to figure out which person from our class was the the most mathematically beautiful. I recorded Jorge, Vanessa, Judith, Ana, and Victoria and out of all of them, Victoria came out to be the most beautiful. According to the Fibonacci Golden Ratio, she got an aveage of 1.620. I got the ratio by taking everyone's meansurements from different parts of their body, such as the distance from thier foot to naval, navel to top of head, navel to chin, chin to top of head, knee to navel, and foot to knee. Altough the Golden Ratio is amazing since it is found all around nature and in a lot of beautiful art work, it might not be completely true for my measurements. I could have easily made mistakes in my measurements since the rulers were not long enough. Also, I do not agree that the Golden Ratio determines someone's beauty. Sure, it might just be mathematical, but I feel that simply having a face structure based on the Golden Ratio is not sufficient enough to determine beauty. Regardless of my opinion, I do beieve that the Golde Ratio and the math behind it all is amazing. 

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